Thursday, January 17, 2008

Starting my 2nd birthday celebration

We went to Philadelphia on Saturday the 12th for a library conference. In the exhibit hall I saw a robot that talked, people giving out candy, and train sets and other toys. We didn't take any pictures, but did have fun.
We then went to my Grandma and Grandpa Fosko's house on Sunday to celebrate my Grandma's birthday, and my birthday. My Uncle Gary came with my three Fosko cousins, and we had a blast. Aunt Carolyn missed all the fun, but she had a yoga class.

My Fosko cousins made a cake too. It was yummy!

Here is a picture of everyone at my grandma and grandpa's house. I got a tricycle, and got a goodie bag to take home with me. I get to see my Shaw cousins next Friday and Saturday.

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